Consumer Information
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) - Certificate of Proficiency
The below information applies to all states and Washington, D.C.
Qualifies students for initial or additional state license:
- No college course work is required for students to be eligible to take this certification.
Licensure required as a prerequisite:
- None.
Licensing board approval:
- No state licensing board.
Leads to national certification or credential:
- There are no national certifications or credentials that are awarded with any of our programs.
National certification exam:
- There are no professional associations/organizations directly linked to our programs.
Programmatic accreditation:
- Programs are not required to be accredited. The courses are designed for certification preparation.
Field experience: online or on-ground?
- Both. Certificates of completion average 50/50 availability online.
National professional association/organization:
- There are no professional associations/organizations directly linked to our programs.